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I am Hafidz, the young scientist.This blog is about my exciting homeschooling journey.It will remains as my sweet memories forever. Glad to share the special moments with you !!!

Saturday 7 December 2013


What Is SSB?
SSB (Single SideBand) is more properly called a mode (not a band or frequency)
It is a very efficient method to superimpose your voice on a radio wave 

What Is Modulation
The method by which audio (your voice) is impressed on a radio signal . 

Two types of modulation that most familiar:
AM (Amplitude Modulation)- when using toy walkie talkies.
FM (Frequency Modulation)-when using 2 meter ham band  

When you are using radio in the AM/FM mode 
-Your voice modulates  (superimposed) on a carrier wave at a certain frequency     in your transmitter and  is transmitted over the air waves.
-The carrier wave is used to "carry" this audio information to the AM/FM receiver. 

-AM/FM receiver detect the audio information and transform back to an audio  signal.
-This signal we can be hear at receiver representing the original voice
 Any audio that you hear on an AM/FM receiver is from the two sidebands:
 (USB and LSB)

How AM/FM signal modified to yield much better results!
These two modulating (audio) sidebands are - (USB)upper sideband
                                                                                 - (LSB)lower sideband. 

They contain the "information or audio" intended for the receive station

1)DSB(Double Sideband)
By using special circuits in the transmitter, the carrier wave was eliminated, leaving only two side bands.

2)SSB(Single Sideband) 
By using special circuits and filters in the transmitter, one of sideband was eliminated leaving behind either USB(Upper SideBand) or LSB(Lower SideBand).
Now it became SSB(Single SideBand).

3)What Happen When Enter the SSB receiver.
If you listen to an SSB signal on an AM/FM receiver, the voices are altered and sound very muffled, garbled and distorted. Some people even say it is like "Donald Duck" sounding when tuned improperly in the sideband mode. 

4)So We Need a special SSB receiver in order to hear the original voice
Since the receiver still needs the original carrier to “demodulate” or decode the signal, you must have a special SSB receiver to re-insert a very low level carrier wave back.The audio that was transmitted is restored in the receiver with almost identical reproduction of the original voice. Tuning the SSB receiver is very important to make the voices sound natural. 

1) Your receiver MUST be in the same "mode" as the transmitted signal or the whole process does not work!
2) If the transmitter of the other station is in the USB mode, your receiver MUST be in the USB mode and vice versa.

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